Programs & Fees
Below, you'll find the different childcare options available and the fees associated with that program option. The daycare is open Monday through Friday, from 6:30am to 5:30pm.

** Before School Care: Arriving at the school/daycare before 7:30am. Care is available beginning at 6:30am. **
** After School Care: Care available from 3:15pm - 5:30pm. **
Programs & Fees
The Trinity Lutheran Preschool programs are faith-based programs with flexible options for part-time and full-time students. Children learn and explore through play in a safe, age-appropriate setting and engaging environment.
We are committed to providing a nurturing and secure educational setting for young children and their families.

2024-2025 Preschool Program Fees
(Three-year-old's, born before August 1, 2021)
(Four-year-old's, born before August 1, 2020)

2 days a week (must be consistent; ie; every Monday, Wednesday / Tuesday, Thursday)
3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
5 days a week (Monday through Friday)
3 half days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) from 7:30am-11:55am is our only ½ day rate option.
If your child attends 2 or 5 days a week, you may opt to pick up at 11:55am, however, you will be billed a full day. Three half days is the only option with a discounted rate. Rates include hot breakfast and hot lunch daily, except the 3-half-day option, which only includes breakfast.
*Preschool and Pre-K will operate on the same calendar year as Trinity K-8th Grade, with a start day in August and end day in May (exact dates TBD).
Before and After care is an additional fee. Before care is 6:30am-7:30am. Aftercare begins at 3:15pm (or dismissal) until 5:30pm.
Click Here to download the 2024-2025 Early Childhood Fees.