Early Childhood Center
Our new Early Childhood Center (ECC) is located on the current Trinity Campus! This new ECC houses our Preschool Programs, Daycare, and the Before & After School Care Programs. Trinity believes that children are a gift from God and that each child is God’s unique creation. Therefore, the primary mission of the Early Childhood Center is, with the Spirit’s help, to bring children into the kingdom of God. We intend to do this by maintaining a warm, loving, stimulating, and Christ-centered environment with planned activities appropriate to young children and their developmental stages.
To be inquire about daycare services or be added to the waitlist, please contact Ashley Hemme at 660-287-3230.
Find us on Facebook @TrinityLutheranChildcare

Positions are currently open for the Early Childhood Center. Click HERE for the application, or you may pick up an application at the school office.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14