April 16, 2021
Santa Fe Relay 4-16-20 12 Teams attending Trinity Boys place 8th overall with 35 pts Trinity Girls placed 6th overall with 42 pts. Addison Mullins: 2nd- 4x200m rela...
April 6, 2021
Here is a link to next school year's calendar! 2021/2022 School Calendar
March 19, 2021
ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW Families that pay for the entire year’s tuition amount prior to May 1, 2021 will receive a 10% reduction in tuition fees, provided th...
February 12, 2021
Here is the link to this week's pen. Feb 10 Principal's Pen
February 3, 2021
Here is a pdf of this week's pen. https://5il.co/pb6p
February 3, 2021
Here is the pen for 2/5-2/12! https://5il.co/pb6b
January 28, 2021
Here is the Principal's Pen. https://5il.co/p1nj
December 16, 2020
Here is the updated pen! https://5il.co/nz4u